Thanks for stopping by! My husband and I have been RVing full time in a motorhome since 2018. My passions are travel, new places and experiences, cuisine, cultures, photography, nature, and animals. If you’ve always wanted to travel the US or are just wondering how living on the road works, I hope you will journey with us as we explore our country and share our adventures. Read more about our story here.
Great recap and beautiful pictures!
Thanks Joan– y’all made our time at Lake Mead so fun and were key in helping us find so many great places to see and photograph!
Very nice write ups and super photos!
But what the heck is a shoe dispensing machine!? OK, a shoe polishing machine I can understand but a dispensing machine?
Thanks Stu and Sue. I had never seen a shoe dispensing machine either! Their website says they are perfect for when a woman is out in high heels and her feet get sore and tired. You can easily carry these rollable shoes in a purse or buy them on site. Who knew?! lol
The photos are stunning! Also love the Shelby museum – we loved Ford vs. Ferrari too!
Thank you Pam. I am not usually a big car person, but I did like the movie and the museum. It was really interesting to hear about Carroll Shelby’s life too.
You definitely made the most of your time before everything shut down. Some beautiful areas, for sure. We still haven’t been to Snow Canyon or Kolob Canyons, but they look beautiful. Vegas is always so much fun. There’s always something that makes you stop in your tracks and say “wait… what???” Love it!
Hi Laura, We are still figuring out the traveling thing–do we want to see a new place each week or do we want to stay longer and really see it all? We did enjoy all the beautiful sights in and around Lake Mead and having 2 months definitely made that happen. I highly recommend both Snow Canyon and Kolob Canyons. We just did a quick day at each, but would like to go back again and stay for awhile.
Wonderful pictures and narratives. We enjoy your trip too, its almost like being there. Be safe
I love being able to share our pictures and adventures–so glad you are enjoying it too!
WOW! I really enjoyed this BLOG post with all of the informative content and picturesque views. Robin you are an outstanding travel writer and travel blog tour guide. I will be ready for your next adventure.
Thanks, Sandi. You should definitely explore this area one day! We look forward to sharing more trips as soon as things open back up.